advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Disclosure policy

Since so many people seem to like ’em, and if you absolutely must have one, well here’s mine, and it’s all true:

With the exception of Aliens and Jackass 2, I hate sequels. I also don’t get paid to write this blog or endorse anything. I have a day job as an art director which pays me instead. Sometimes the gig is on-staff, sometimes freelance.

I also think the UK version of the Office is superior to the American version, call me crazy. I spend too much time blogging. And complaining. And complaining about blogging.

What else... oh yeah, I signed with a blog directory Newstex that carries a lot of other bloggers, read about it here. They approached me a few months ago. All that means is nothing changes. I still don’t get told, paid or compensated to endorse anything, let alone be told how or what to write, but if my blog generates a certain amount of traffic, they will pay a very small fee per quarter for any traffic I generate for them in their directory, not here.

One day, if they or anyone else ever do deem something I write worthy enough to be paid for or sold? Ha, but ok. If they want to license anything here commercially to be used elsewhere like mousepads, tees or condoms, then I’ll mention that.

Other things, ok, well, I hate the sound of liquid pouring. Especially on radio. Beer, soda, whatever. Can’t explain it, but I hate that sound almost as much as I hate the Grateful Dead.

And I hate, the fucking Dead.

Lemmee see... want more? Ok, I carry no outside advertising on the blog. Only ads you’ll see are the ones I post positively or negatively about related to the biz. But stuff like Google AdSense and banner ads? Click away on your own blogs then people. I just don’t want to include that stuff on this here blog. If someone else though wants to make something off the traffic their blog generates and run that stuff, more power to them.

Which is NOT the same thing as being paid to review something in a post, something I don’t believe in. That’s why people are blog-gers, not review-ers.

If there’s something I want to share in terms of a movie, CD, book or some other product I tried, I’ll tell you about it because I like it and think you just might too. Same goes for stuff I hate too. Nobody pays me to hate stuff.

That, well that, I also do for free.

Every book, movie, CD or product that I’ve reviewed and which I used, I paid for out of my own pocket. Exceptions obviously are websites, TV shows or other things that are available free to anyone. (Free as long you bitches remember to pay your monthly cable/internet fees.)

So anyway, I signed up for’s affiliate program a year after starting this blog and after I read most of the books in the sidebar. What’s that mean? Well, any book I decide to link to now and in the future that someone orders from Amazon supposedly earns me PowerBall dollars. How much has that translated to in a year you say?


For three books.

That’s right people, I said .53¢

Nobody from Amazon approached me to do it. Any of those books that I like and that I read helped me professionally. Some I reviewed on the blog, most I didn’t. (The ones I didn’t review are likely industry standards recommended by prominent advertising creatives/bloggers I respect, such as Ernie Schenck and others.)

Either way, I only include stuff I think people will dig. If a new band comes out or someone turns me onto some new movie, I’m gonna let you know because it’s cool and worth sharing. In that case, I may include a link in the post to Amazon, the band’s website or the IMDB just so you can get more info or sample songs, vid clips, etc.

If you wanna order it? Go for it. If not? Do that not, too. Get it any way you want, I’m just here to tell ya’ about it. The vast majority of anything reviewed here is in the posts anyway and eventually drops out of site. I don’t like gunking up the sidebar with a shitload of lists if I can help it.

Again, as far as endorsements to say nice things or review stuff, lemmee clear my throat y’all:


Look it up. Why? Another disclaimer: nobody’s paying me to do it for you. (It’s Swedish, if that helps.)

And if there’s an exception, it’ll be mentioned right up front in the post, for example, George Parker’s book review where I could only preview an uncorrected galley version he sent me.

As for other things to disclaim, well, I wish there were more drive-in theatres. A shame, really. The new Battlestar Gallactica is better than the original. (The play stands as called: in this case, there is no violation of the sequel rule - this is a remake.)

And on that note, I’ve disclosured enough for now.


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