advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

PR Makeovers

This one’s for all the peeps coming over from Idea Grove, where Scott Baradell has been kind enough to ask me to help out doing a guest co-host stint on his blog in April. So for those visitors, what I normally riff on here is anything related to marketing, design and advertising, in both serious and not so serious ways. Most of the Idea Grove material will capture that and hopefully bring a different POV to the PR profession. Or it will ruin blogging as we know it.

In honor of that, I thought I’d throw out a quick topic on something that people like myself who are in the non-PR world assume happens all the time: You get a call late at night from a manager of a celebrity or athlete who was caught with a quart of (insert favorite alcoholic beverage here) and (insert name of favorite other celebrity or athlete you love to hate here) in the back of (insert closed quarter space here). The fallout from that one event haunts them and you for years while you’re left picking up the pieces. Or, if skillfully manipulated, a series of these mishaps could actually make a career. Mike Rourke, or was that Mickey Tyson, comes to mind.

So here are a few potential clients seemingly in need of a PR makeover this year:

1) Mr. Britney Spears. (Really, ’nuff said. Just hope Kev teaches the baby that the H on the faucett doesn’t stand for Hookah.)

2) Terrell Owens. (His agent Drew says he’s a changed person, so you know I believe him. Just like he was in Philly, and S.F. before that.)

3) The Axis of Evil. (I mean, you collectively threaten a few countries and a few million people, and you’re labeled. SO unfair.)

4) Canada. (They didn’t do anything. That’s the problem. They just kinda sit there.)

5) The Amish. (Same deal. Maybe they can attack Canada. Give themselves a little street cred.)

And your choices?

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