This seems like two-steps forward, one step back for the industry. Most stores already have metal detectors and $4 an hour rent-a-cops at the exits, is anyone really getting out of the store with this stuff anymore? Only value-add I see is a raise in Johnson & Johnson’s stock price, seeing how as I’ve tripled my Band-Aids® purchases for all the cuts I got in trying to open these damn things.
(DISCLAIMER: No fingers were cut in the opening of this package. Tools used to open: Fiskers® and one beat-to-shit Sears Craftsman® flathead screwdriver.)
Tags: advertising, brands, viral, clamshell packaging
I HATE that kind of packaging. It's what forced me to finally break down and get a leatherman. (Ultimate irony was needing said leatherman to get open the leatherman's stupid tamper resistant packaging.)
I have just the tool for opening up clamshell packaging blister pack and any other kind of packaging Without any risk to person or product.
See the Klever Kutter @ www.safecutters.com.
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