Uh, don’t you think, if they really wanted to ‘just do it right,’ they would have had him without white makeup, head hung low with hands loose, and four red paint marks; one for each hand and one on his lower right and upper left torso? You people need to stop looking for stigmata in cups of Dannon® yogurt.
Tags: advertising, Nike, brands, World Cup, Rooney
I almost said "Oh, Jesus!" in response, but that would have just made things worse. So instead, I said "For fuck's sake!"
See? That was much better.
"For fuck's sake!"
Now you did it. That’s like the Bat signal for George P.
I wasn't sure about it at first, but I now think it's a terrific bit of advertising. It sums up the mood of the English at the moment who for years have been told that flying the flag is very un-PC.
What strikes me is how similar it is to the Mel Gibson Braveheart promotional pics.
christians are hyper-sensitive!
i see pictures of jesus on the cross all over the place, even in churches... i see statues in cities and little crosses with a body hanging on people's walls.
and here they complain because a red flag has been painted on a person?
give me a break..
hey, some folks look at an eggo muffin and see the virgin mary. so it's not hard to imagine folks seeing new meanings in the nike ad. the morons also probably see a connection between "just do it" and "do unto others."
Fish has a nice thought though, maybe we merge Mel's movies:
Passionheart - and we change the red to blue.
But then blue people might be offended.
the smurfs and blue man group are picketing outside of your home right now.
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