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Thursday, June 8, 2006

Idea Freeze.

Usually when I brainstorm on stuff, I take about a half hour to purge all the first thoughts out of my head, then get into the flow. I hit my stride around the hour mark and usually produce acceptable crap. Ever have those times though that no matter what you try, the ideas just don’t come to you? Nothing. Nada. Nunca. I call it Idea Freeze, not as painful as Brain Freeze, but damn close.

At that point, the only thing that ever works for me is stepping away and doing something completely different. And damn if the idea I was looking for the previous hour doesn’t pop into my brain. It’s the act of doing one thing while the brain subconciously works on the original problem. Doctors now have a name for it. They call it: Indirectional Cognitive Reasoning While Doing Something Else And Then The Idea Hits Me, or ICRWDEATTIHM for short.

You ever have that?

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Anonymous said...

Most of my ideas come first thing in the morning or late at night. I think that has to do with the brain not trying to problem solve everything. When I can't get a new idea, I try something else like play a PC game or go for a run.

Scamp said...

Shit man i've had idea freezes that last two weeks or more!

it's like nuclear winter in my head sometimes

Anonymous said...

Well, I have ideas for doing something different... ok, that's completely self-serving, but hey, I'm only trying to help! :-)

HighJive said...

yo, i've never experienced the problems you detail here. i usually jack a homerun right out of the gate.

Anonymous said...

Hj - that's 'cuz you’re juiciing. Everyone knows it but you got up in front of Alex B. and Ernie and lied under oath that you were clean.


HighJive said...

that's a funny thought. can you imagine what would happen if creatives could increase their chances of winning a gold lion or pencil by taking performance enhancement drugs?

although there are certain old school creatives who believe their creativity increases with the standard illegal substances.

SchizoFishNChimps said...

The worrying thing is that ICRWDEATTIHM looks like an anagram, with DEATH in it.

Anonymous said...