advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Marketing to teens: sub-urban legend?

When it comes to marketing to teens, by now you realize that urban culture has been rightly or wrongly assimilated/stolen/brandjacked/taken over by mainstream America, (Timberland and Cristal anyone?), but even more so by the ‘wannabe’ teen audience in the ’burbs emulating Fiddy and ending every sentence with ‘G’ or ‘yo.’

Everything from the language and clothing in the tuner market, to KFC ‘gettin’ its chicken on’ to just last night with Pampers encouraging little ones with “You go girl!” and McD’s Lovin It’ is now fair game.

Check out knock the hustle, where hadji was on NPR talking about urban marketing along with Deborah Patton promoting her upcoming What Teens Want event on marketing to teens. This is the edited version of a more heated exchange. Since I don’t have an extra $695 laying around, I’ll just continue to get my focus group on the old-school way: from my teenagers and the blogs I scan – for free. Word.

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SchizoFishNChimps said...

And of course these teens can see right through this trick, innit.

Finn McKenty said...

yeah, these heavy-handed attempts at appealing to the urban audience are pretty appalling. mcdonald's is the worst offender in my book- you know it's coming when you hear a funky bassline and some barry white soundalike bellowing about McRib sandwiches.

on a semi-related note, an interesting article about "urban" themed video games in which one publisher suggests that they're basically done:

can't say i disagree. i think the novelty has worn off.

Finn McKenty said...

here's that link in case it got mangled:

Anonymous said...

Yo finn, that post and link was g-money yo.

Sorry. I was channeling McDonald’s corporate there for a sec.

I liked the angle that he mainly focuses on PR as the main driving force and the need to launch games based on 'timing a vibe.’