Just looking over some recent blog numbers here after the revamp and noticed a spike in subscribers. (Thank you Prague.) But the lone hero all along has been Bloglines. If you blog and haven’t signed up for a free account in their directory yet, go for it. I’ve had them from the beginning and they still account for half my subscribers out of about seven directories. Feedburner’s nice, but not even close at 10%. Bloglines: berry berry better.
Tags: advertising, Bloglines, brands, Feedburner
Thanks for the tip - I'll give it a try. I also find Digg.com to be a useful way of getting hits. It's best used when you have a particularly interesting nugget to share.
Because of Digg's nature, it's a short-term, quick hit (usually running out after about 2 days) but I've had loads of traffic when highlighting new video on my blog.
I should try Digg again. Think I did once. It's been a while.
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