Two interesting campaigns out now. I love the tactic of using different media to drive consumers elsewhere, moving beyond just slapping a url on something. Gimmee a little mystery like these two.
The outdoor on the left takes you to onlytheyknow, a site for ABC’s The Nine. The print ad on the right takes you to State Farm’s site, nowwhat. Both use different tactics, but for me, I get a better connection with the State Farm campaign. I see the accident in the print ad and get the connection instantly when I go to the website. State Farm logo. Insurance. Done. Not to mention the use of similar visuals in TV, print and the website.
The outdoor for the Nine though doesn’t incorporate the final image of the people we see on the site and I feel like I have to work a little harder to get the connection.
Tags: advertising, The Nine, brands, viral, ABC, State Farm
I hope State Farm do both car and home insurance...
They insure everything short of comets I believe.
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