advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Targeted advertising using GPS - next big thing, or next Big Brother?

I can hear the ACLU’s saber starting to rattle. In keeping with the Art Bell theme, interesting read from Mail & Guardian. Basically, it’s GPS used to track people. Not a new concept as double decker buses use it to change ads in NYC depending on the neighborhood.

Upside? Brands using GPS for individuals though might be a way for them to stop wasting ads on people who don’t want what’s being offered in the wider net of traditional broadcast. Getting closer to a car dealer? GPS sends out a message for today’s deals, or a prompt to tune to a local am radio station for those deals.

Targeted online promotions might also benefit brands if it was limited to specific counties too. Especially using a certain area code to announce discounts at local attractions or malls. Starbucks could then avoid national nightmares and only target one area, and not run out of coffee.

Downside? Who wants their every movement tracked? Imagine a live Google map showing your location when you should be at work, but the better half sees you’re out having a few. Big brother indeed. Groups I see digging this are the Feds, wives of guys on Jerry Springer’s show and bosses.

What about information overload? Imagine 50 offers for stuff within a 2-mile drive. I’d have to register with the National Brand Do Not Call list. Pretty soon we’ll need ad-free zones around neighborhoods if this keeps up.

Damn. Gotta run. Pepsi’s on the phone.

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Anonymous said...

Can't we work this into the inevitable national ID card? Sure we can!

Anonymous said...

Trying to work it into a GPS border thing too.
