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Friday, October 6, 2006

The Crispin effect: trickle-down, or copycat? part 2

Don’t have a clip yet, but there’s a new culprit in town. A :30 out for Time Warner shows a couple faced with cleaning up their messy kitchen so as to get on with the Devil’s bidness. What to do, what to do.

Suddenly, the guy runs over to the TV, grabs the cable and pours out a little bit of that mercury-laden super-fast Time Warner speed onto his hand, and the work is done in no time. That’s blazing speed people. Cut to the reaction shot of MacGyver’s girlfriend seeing the kitchen and actually using the closing line from the Jetta ‘Safe’ spots:

Holy Sh..! (Cut to logo.)

Why stop there, why not lift another Crispin VW spot and tie-in the speed of the cable connection: Have her coming out of the bedroom after, “Now that was Fast.”

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Irene Done said...

I saw this spot last weekend and just did that sad, slow headshake -- you know, the headshake you do when you can't stop someone from doing something dumb. I really was stunned. They lifted the VW line for no reason, to no effect, just to have a giggle at almost saying the s word. And it's produced by people in the news/entertainment business.

Anonymous said...

At least if it was the Fatwa guy, I could understand the lift.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Got - - - ?, got ta go.

In this case with TW, just using that little snippet though is wayout of place. Thge car thing at least speaks to the safety angle.