advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


There’s a viral in here somewhere. At least a PR opportunity. If I’m a marketing director at Sharpie®, I’m sending out a release disavowing all knowledge of having anything to do with this note. Association by disassociation if you will. Or a spot on YouTube with FedEx delivering final divorce papers?

This stuff writes itself people.

US Weekly.)

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RFB said...

Something tells me the court won't look too fondly on this when it comes time to award custody. Tough job, still, for the poor judge.

"Do I let the skanky pop star pretneding to be wholesome have the children, or her gangsta rapper wannabe ex who is bribing her with a sex tape? I think I will give the children to Madonna."

Anonymous said...

Well, ahem, I’d have to see said tape first before commenting further of course.