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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

President Thompson.

He grabs Lieberman or McCain as his VP and there goes the tag team of Billary and Obama up in smoke. First, doesn't he look like he could one day be on money? Secondly, it fits the GOP wet dream of having an actor in the White House with a movie quote pedigree. Forget about winning one for the Gipper. Not when you have classics like "Russians don’t take a dump son without a plan.”

Landslide mister. Landslide.

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Irene Done said...

Wait. Is it Fred Thompson or Tommy Thompson who's running? Or both? Or everyone?

Can I put off caring about next year's race until, oh, next year?

HighJive said...

i don't know. this guy didn't show terrific leadership when terrorists took over the airport in die hard 2.