advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Transformers changes English into marketing speak.

“ innovative concept that will
help eventize this exciting
4th of July tentpole film.”
Gerry Rich, President of Worldwide Marketing, Paramount

“It represents the perfect intersection of
entertainment, marketing and design.”
Mike Jackson, GM North America, VP of marketing and advertising

I wanna hit something so fucking badly right now. Forget movie reviews. Why not just run marketing quotes instead. Those were for Transformers, the upcoming Hasbro Gary Busey Matchbox K-FedEx GM Paramont Michael Bay film. And just how many people are gang-branding this thing anyway with their tentpole? Read more fun here with language guaranteed to leverage global equity platforms.

I love that brands are making movies, don’t get me wrong, it’s the logical next step. Comic books like Marvel have licensed their titles. Hasbro is doing it here. Geico could even pull off a caveman movie. It’s just that somewhere along the line, you still need to make a good movie.

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SchizoFishNChimps said...

Didn't Mr Rich realise that "tentpole" is a euphemism for "erect penis"?

Alan Wolk said...

Here I thought that you were freaking out over the ue of the non-word "eventize"

If I ran the world, people who used words like that would receive a public flogging after the third offense.

Anonymous said...

fish, I'm not touching that one.

tt - Lol, that WAS the word that set me off when I first ran across the article, but then I discovered so much more I hated upon further reading.