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Tuesday, March 20, 2007



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G. Genova said...

there's a letter in last weeks New Yorker, some commanding officer complaining that the troops are learning the "wrong" techniques for interrogation by watching 24. How is it that troops in Iraq have time to hang out in the evenings and watch TV? Life imitating art imitating life imitating... like two mirrors facing each other, empty to infinity.

RFB said...

Many of the troops in Iraq, while living a life I don't envy, have plenty of downtime. They have Burger Kings and Pizza Huts on the bases.

That said, Jack was a complete sissy in this episode, worrying about that dead mouse of a tramp girlfriend, Audrey; letting Ricky Schroeder upstage him. If Jack is going to do some killing, he can start at CTU by dispatching Ricky and that do-nothing asshole Milo with his pencil moustache.

Also, make a detour to the White House bunker and kill the terrorist coddling Palmer, although it looks like Karen Hayes may wrap that up next episode.

From Dave Barry's 24 blog: "Even dead, Audrey can suck the life out of an episode."