Hmmm. WaMu
has a spot out about a spoof talk show coming soon called Chattin’ With The Pen. Not sure it actually will happen or if it’s all spoof. (Domain name taken, nothing up yet.) The old bankers from previous spots, having
stepped back from the edge, are the panel on this show. I like the idea of this kind of show format, even though it’s been done before. The parody here feels a little forced and the name is odd, but hey, they’re trying.
In a way, it has the same tone as this fake internal WaMu
emergency brief. (And, because I notice shit like this, I believe the second actor shown in this spot is Kenneth White, the Grumman Representative from Apollo 13.)
Tags: WaMu, Chattin’ with the pen, Washington Mutual
This campaign makes me yearn for communism. I LIKE OLD FART/BANKERS. And I do NOT like when younger, hipper banks make fun of my old fart/bankers.
This shit is not funny. Not memorable. Not smart. Not well done. And I disagree, Bill. It's NOT trying.
It's trying to try.
Was trying to be a little chill on tearing this one apart. Funny, memorable, smart are three words I wouldn't use for this either. When I say trying, for a bank, it's at least trying compared to the usual “we care about you, we have free checking, blah,” bullshit. Yeah it misses but for a bank to consider this thing is at least something. (Some other brand tried this almost identical format, I wanna say Verizon? That felt forced too.)
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