...stays together. I mean, really, we all have to work the benefits into everything we do, but this is over the top. The family discusses them while dad–sounding an awful lot like the son of longtime Smucker’s pitchman
Mason Adams–reads an article about the product in the paper. Now
that’s a fortuitous media buy, wouldn’t you say? Take the MTLB
DanActive :30 challenge and see if you can stomach
their commercial.
Tags: DanActive
I have a bad gut feeling about this one.
actually, it's pretty similar to a lot of pharma commercials...
The dirty little secret about pharma (or semi-pharma) commercials like these are that they're pretty damn effective.
Seems people want to hear their medical crap straight up w/out any of that cleverness. It somehow makes the product seem more "real."
Not saying I'd recommend it, but hey, there's a reason there's so many of them.
That girl didn't even stumble over that word that I can't remember 10 seconds after watching it... and that didn't clue dad in?
Besides, who reads the paper like that?
Damn........ and I complain about the bullshit I have to approve.... Shit... I'm nauseous, guess it's because I'm not eating Dannon... OH NO THE AD WORKS.... no wait a minute, it doesn't. False alarm. But kudos for the client's edgy take on family scenarios. I'm wowed.
Edgy take indeed. Groundbreaking even. The daughter still lives at home and hasn’t told the parents to fuck off—yet. The parents are actually still married, or maybe that’s his second wife. He wouldn’t know though since he never leaves that paper.
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