advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Torture anyone?

How about a nice pick me up for a Friday: A series of VERY graphic ads for Amnesty International. Like, PETA graphic. I suppose there’s no way to sugar coat the message in this case though. Would this campaign fly here? Considering the Gitmo detainee scandal, maybe. Still, suicidal robots get us crazy, let alone human rights issues, so who knows. Originally in Turkish, you can see the English versions here: Cruelty, Torture and Violence (not even showing you that one–woman being smacked around, I’ll leave it at that. Disturbing enough that I confirmed with the agency that all the clips were from actual tapes and not staged for the campaign). They implore you to get involved and not just watch. Supposedly very effective in driving awareness to Amnesty and their site. No doubt these surely will drive awareness at award shows too.

(UPDATE: Apparently there was no amnesty for the clips as the links are now dead.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good, I like the idea very much. Is difficult to justify the violence scenes in a social campaign because everybody think that its necessary to see people in the reality that exists. However, these kind of scenes has been made us so insensible after seeing that stuffe everyday in Youtube, etc... we see that as nothing. When they ask just to click Play or Stop, nothing more, they ask us to reflect about an actitud that becomes in something so simple... but, I still ask: how its possible that the social campigns call peolpe to join them, to enter ins action, do something, how? say something to change isnt enought, we need to do somehthing else, something like this campaing is doing.

Alina Poulain