advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Real food.

Aka, I will never eat in New Jersey again. Ryan’s standing next to the devices for barbecue nirvana, for me at least. (Yeah, I know, Texas bloggers are giving me the finger right now.) But you don’t understand. After several years of North Jersey cooking and now two and a half weeks of Applebee’s/Friday’s etc., this is my Graceland. Funny, but some of the best food on this trip has come from hole in the wall places with genuine people cooking it. You know how most summer grilling is basically a three-alarm inferno with your dad working the burgers into pucks, blinded by grease and flame? Not this place.

You could just stand there and bath in it smelled so good. (I actually took Plaid shirts and held them through the smoke so we could FedEx to anyone who wants them.) This back of the shack rig is from Jack and Vickey’s Mustang Barbecue in Hurricane Mills, TN. Little ironic twist that it appears from the photos there that Jack was apparently once a missionary, going from helping needy kids to feeding not-so-needy ad folk.

I swear I didn’t want to leave his church it was that good.


Unknown said...

Done man... hook me up with a stanky shirt.

BBQ and Plaid - it's a match from heaven.

Joel said...

I second that emotion. Please send me a smoky, smelly, size small shirt.

What's the best barbeque you've ever tasted? There's a place in Nashville, TN that has some mighty fine ribs. The New York Times says they're the best in town. They're the best I've ever had.

Thanks, Bill.

Thinking In Vain said...

I'm not going to bash TN BBQ because it's very good - but I hope you tried some NC BBQ while you were there.
