advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Monday, August 6, 2007

4,068 miles later...some notes from the road.

And that’s a wrap as they say. Friday saw us in Dallas for some blogging/agency fun. (More on that shortly.) We’ll be putting together a more extensive wrap-up of the tour for people to see, the good, the bad and the fugly. For now, a few thoughts about life on the road to Brandville:

- Once you cross the North Carolina border, everyone smokes. Everywhere.
- Sometimes, Texas pickup trucks hate Plaid vans with NY plates.
- Tennessee has some pretty damn good barbecue.
- Some of the most out of the way brands can surprise you. In a good way.
- Keep shooting pics and video until you are physically led off the premises.
- There’s hot, and there’s Southern hot.
- “Are we being recorded live? “Yes, absolutely.” “Nope.”
- Always preface the food hunt question with “Where’s the best place for...,” not, “Where can we get food?”
- The further south you go, the less you get carded.
- Always Occasionally show up unannounced–it can only go one of two ways.
- “Bless your heart” is a verb, noun and adjective.
- People. Love. Free. Anything T-shirts.
- Nobody ever said “ARE WE THERE YET?”
- Always give a little something to the receptionist. Always.

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