Wrigley’s upscale gum move. Saw this very intriguing spot for
Five the other night from Energy BBDO called Flare. The work on the
site here also has a very similar feel to the recent Heineken draught site. (Video game chic now apparently an official trend, which is cool.) Nice to see a new style in the category also. Brand has to though in order to separate itself from the solid Orbit and Altoids work already out there. There’s room for many approaches. Only thing is that the main Wrigley’s brand sure seems to be hiding it. No mention made or direct link off the main or products page. Odd for a new launch.
Tags: Wrigley’s Five gum
Is Energy BBDO a new agency or did they just rename their Chicago office?
Ah, it was for Wrigley. I saw that commercial too and thought it was a completely new gum company...
Not sure TT, maybe they brought an interactive shop in under their wing, not sure.
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