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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Apple releases its latest Jungle Book themed OS: Leopard.

Really, what’s next, Puma? Sloth? Mowgli? What about thinking different next time: characters from the original Star Trek or Gilligan’s Island. (Gilligan 14.0–it’s your little buddy.) Don’t laugh, you could get at least 15 major releases between the two shows.

“So, whatta ya runnin there?”
“OS X v12.0 Spock”
“Yeah, the entire 11.0 Kirk release was just too difficult to work with. Never got along with all my apps.”

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Joker said...

Besides.... the Kirk.... kept... stalling for no..... apparent..... reason.

Anonymous said...

Ahh... but 11.0-Kirk was the ONLY operating system that ran my Kobyashi Maru scenario without giving me the Blue Screen of Death.