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Friday, October 26, 2007

Chevy Malibu–hard to ignore unless you’re an idiot.

Ignore implies choice, no? Are people really choosing to ignore the leader of the American Revolution, Chevy? Well, yeah, they’re buying Toyotas in droves. Not the point though. This spot features one of my peeves: the live action ‘nobody gets hurt Home Alone’ pratfall aesthetic found in way too many spots these days. At least get the remaining dudes from Jackass who didn’t score their own series to run into this thing and react. (Have them aim for a stop sign and not see the car, hilarity ensues, or whatever.) Only thing missing was the jogger yelling out the ubiquitous “No, I’m ok. That’s me. I’m good.” Too bad because I like the more clever bank robber spot a lot more.


1 comment:

Joker said...

It's like a comedian repeating a joke for a cheap pop and everyone letting the crickets do the reacting.