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Thursday, October 25, 2007

The GOP means business while the Dems mean fun!

Like a Spirit Airlines mullet sale, one’s business up front and the other’s a party in back. Same goes for both of these convention logos, which could double as stamps. While the GOP’s looks about thrilling as something from Paraguay, the Dems look they want to party like the Party in 1999! But when it comes to website badges like those found here, both parties merge identities for the good of the country. And like all front lawn campaign signs, looks like they must’ve had a sale on Garamond.

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RFB said...

Nobody used a green?

No guts.

Thinking In Vain said...

Huckabee has a lovely color-palette.

Edwards on the other hand has teenage-girl colors... sort of appropriate since for some weird reason he reminds me of Rex Manning. Maybe it's the hair.

Anonymous said...

And Hillary is just happy! Bright colors, lower case font. Happy!