advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gore-Text releases new campaign.

“We believe the campaign has enormous leverage on a global basis.” Okay, well typical brand speak aside, Gore-Tex launched a new campaign using an anamorphic theme. I like the various animal-human combinations on the website like the one pictured, but the ton of copy in the print ads dampen what could have really been compelling work. The clean minimal thing can be done with this kind of ‘brand behind the brands’ like a BASF, or a GE.



Camp Design said...

I think the art direction really gets n the way of a really nice concept.
The big blue bar cutting everything in half, disrupts the connection of the 2 visuals.

Joker said...

That's when you know a client says, nope, we need every scrap of copy we sent.

ok but what's mandatory?


oh well, still an interesting ad.