advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Holiday troubles? You must need new carpet then.

Jetpacks posted about a Lufthansa spot that lifted some copy from another source, but one other thing else he mentioned highlights one of my favorite ad oxymorons: two unrelated things connected for no apparent reason. I want to be more scientific than this, but I can’t. TUTCFNAR is time-tested in the ad world. The latest example is Empire Carpet’s* holiday spot. Can’t find the actual clip but literally, they’ve taken most of the footage from this clip , reworked the copy and threw in? A stock holiday shot of a party. And it goes a little somethin like this:

“Need help getting ready for entertaining this holiday season? Then call Empire today ... for new carpets.”

Swear to God. Because you know nothing says holiday like berber. Wonder if the installers are gonna bake those sugar cookies I like too. Maybe help setting up the outdoor lights so I don’t pull a Clark Griswold?

For the record and in the interest of full disclosure, I used Empire once. They suck. Their ads suck. They’re expensive. The carpet sucked. The installers who showed up on the job were drunk and cut through not only the wood trim around the edges, but the cable to my subwoofer. Nobody at Empire did anything about it. But I’m not bitter. They still suck. Their song sucks. And I hate the old guy they use in their spots. What’s with that creepy voice?


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