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Monday, October 1, 2007

Israel tries brunettes for bombs tourist campaign.

Gotta give them credit. What better way to make tourists forget about those pesky missiles being launched 24/7 or the suicide bombers on buses than this new Israel tourism campaign.

“What we are trying to achieve is to show the world that Israel is not only conflict.”

Yeah, I bet. First choice on my family vacation list, right after Iraq. Still, here’s a tagline you can get behind:

“They’re beautiful–and can strip a rifle.”

Mabe that’s what countries surrounded by conflict need to do more of. Next up: The Women of Kabul.

(via Breitbart.)



Alan Wolk said...

See, it's people like you Bill.

Outside of Sderot and a few northern towns, Israel is quite safe these days.

And there hasn't been a suicide bomber in quite some time.

Tourism is up (for real) and they've been spending money to get it going again.

Anonymous said...

Yeeeeah, see though, when someone comes to visit a National Park or something here, Canada isn’t lobbing shit down on them.


HighJive said...

maybe the headline under the hottie should read:

i'm da bomb.

Joker said...

No one is going to comment on the pun of women being sold as part of the holy land? nobody? Damn.

On a more serious note, I actually agree with the woman commenting on the campaign's sexist edge. But when it comes down to it, sexist is a far better ist than terrorist.

Then again, it's not surprising that before the war in Iraq, said country was making pretty decent strides into becoming a premiere country. Too bad the US felt the need to incessantly bomb the shit out of it.

As for hot Israeli women, I'm sure anyone with a random profile on a website will be thrilled to find sexy Israeli girls rather than horny, hairy Israeli guys writing about wanting to marry you.

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Read it...:Great investment opportunity in Costa Rica: beach real estate, condo, condos for sale.

Hmmm, I dunno. I’ve been burned before. Maybe if you have a brochure or something?