advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Remember the good old days when tacos meant death?

AdFreak’s been following the Taco Bell free taco for a stolen base promotion, but it got me thinking how their PR people might deserve a raise. Less than 10 months ago, people were avoiding the Bell like a syringe on the floor at a Kate Moss photoshoot. Now? Everyone wants tacos! Sweet.

UPDATE: Unrelated to the promotion, but something I discovered the next day about this. If you mention it, you bring attention to someone who otherwise probably wouldn’t want it, but on the other, it’s a step towards something else perhaps, like maybe the possibility that the Indians and Braves’ logos and mascots might be on their way out.


1 comment:

Joker said...

Anyone else see this kind of in poor taste... I don't mean taco smell per se, but the fact that "run for the border" and this campaign ring a little to... um.... borderline um..... you know.... people getting into the country ummm... I dunno.. maybe I'm off base but umm..... yeah....