advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Dude, yer gettin a new microsite.

Maybe they shoulda called the Dude, I hear he’s available. From Valleywag comes word of pure Dell genius. Did I just say that? Good, because I didn’t mean it. The IT Room is well, you just have to see it to believe it. My analyst said I need to be more tolerant and less bitter this week, so let me just say calmly,
um... hmmm... fuck it. Sorry. I hate stuff like this played so over the top. This just has annoying client written all over it making the agency cave for something that could’ve been cooler. Way to reinforce the perception of the world of PCs Dell.

Any take on the world of IT should be this simple, this brilliant.



Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that's over the top at all. Between the monkey, the midget and movie voice-over guy, it's very tastefully done and restrained.

The most maddening thing about the whole project is probably how much money Dell is dropping on this crap. The production value is high. Plus, it has Jim Lampley. That can't be cheap.

Anonymous said...

I blame the writer' strike.

George Parker said...

Way to go... You have found a classic here... I am now about to rip it to shreds on AdScam... But, I will give you the credit...

Anonymous said...

I credit the fine folk at Valleywag.

Alan Wolk said...

Bill: Looks suspiciously like a puerile rip-off of the classic BBC series "The IT Crowd"

Which featured a beautiful woman and her two faithful geeks.

I hear they're actually making it into a US TV series. Here's the Wikipedia link - you can find episodes online if you look.

Joker said...

To put it short... I didn't even finish the video. I have better things to do, like sniff whiteout or put my dick in a guillotine slicer. Overacting not done by William Shatner should be punishable by law.