advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Guild: Geek TV at its finest.

Sure they have their own network in G4, but as one viewer commented: “This is the life of half of the people in YouTube.” The Guild is an original mini-series–literally at under four minutes an episode–created by an actress and gamer who got fellow gamers to help fund it. Talk about writing what you know though.

Parts of it are played over the top, but otherwise it’s short and sweet. It’s the kind of show most brands would’ve tried on their own and screwed up with product mentions everywhere. While it’s nice to have sponsors pay for original content, the dynamic changes when they’re no longer essential to getting it produced. In that case, brands go from being in the driver’s seat to scrambling to be part of the lightning in a bottle any way they can. Because of that, expect to see a product tie-in down the road with this series.



Anonymous said...

I understand why you aren't a copywriter now.

Anonymous said...

Never got back to correcting it but thanks.