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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Chuck Norris doesn’t just drive a Honda Ridgeline, he forges the chasis with one kick.

Chuck Norris facts aside, he’s really getting into the pseudo cameo endorsement thing. A departure for Honda since their Accord spots only used celebrities in the voiceover, with Richard Dreyfuss or Kevin Spacey. Now, a new spot has Chuck Norris in an over the top punny ‘Tough Meets Classy’ spot for the Ridgeline. Seems like they’re trying to be Ford and Chevy just a little too much though. Next up: Steven Seagal for Toyota?

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Ben Kunz said...

I love this idea of moving the focus-group question of "if your car had a personality, what would it be" to video realism. So much better than a damn truck-in-the-morning-mist screaching around Route 1 south of San Francisco. Also credit Honda for hitting two demo groups square on with this: women in their 30s and 40s, who probably want Sex in the City hipness and not square elegant restaurants, and their husbands, who want a manly truck to haul mulch in once a year.

Ridgeline, you're saving marriages.

Joker said...

I can see your points and that leaving it as is keeps it from getting too over the top, but since my chromosomes are XY and I have a twisted sense of humor, I can't help but want to see something else happen. Dunno, maybe I'm jus bitchy.. then again, that's always :).