I’ve heard of this gateway dish called lasagna before, but I didn’t know how rampant its abuse was becoming. (On the street, it goes by
L or
Lag.) This
radio spot called
Lasagna, from the
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia, highlights the positive effects of having dinner as a family to offset the deadly ravages of this growing epidemic. Remember, kids, we can kill
two birds with one stone here: just say no to seconds.
Tags: Jamie Lee Curtis, CASA
Yeah thank god radio is dead and inneffective. To be honest, makes me want to hear more spots and this is definitely something those damn BRATZ should listen to rather than K-fed or some other douche bag. Totally agree on the no to seconds though because then Philip Morris will come out with an ad saying that though smoking kills you, you'll eat less thanks to the reflux it can cause and the fact that you'll eat alone more often since you can't smoke and eat anymore. :D
ps.: I know she's turning 50 next year but I still think she's a hottie. Sue me.
I didn't hear the JLC/LAG spot but Kroger's really promoted the hell out of the family dinner night idea with their own radio spots. I don't know. You, of course, realize how reluctant I am to make fun of other people's ideas. But. Really? Fighting drug addiction with one dinner? That better be one emm effing good dinner.
I don't think lasagna qualifies.
Great point, but I think the core message is not sell lasagna, which though potntially tasty can't compete with the hunger for say heroin or cocaine. Last I checked, people didn't suck other people off for lasagna... well except Tony Danza but that's just a rumor including how he slept with a hooker and pre climax screamed I'M DA BOSSSSSS.... but I digress. The message is, spend time with your kids. or at least that's what I got from it and coming from a home that we tried to eat together once in a while, I think it puts you in the spotlight to deal with some screwed up issues, chew over the fat and enjoy a delicious slice of cherry pie. All the ingredients for a dysfunctional family dinner. And on another side, I can at least get a crack out of the spot rather than hear some other Casey Casem wannabe sell motor oil. Then again, you are totally entitled to hate lasagna. But as happens with most anti drug spots, I think the people who would most enjoy this would be pot heads now that I think of it. Imagine a 25 minute debate over how to pronounce lasagna. INteresting stuff if you just had hashed brownies and guess what, you might want to cap the night off with something tasty to eat like for instance... well what starts with a las and ends with an agna. : D
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