advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wyle E. Coyote — Chief Interruption Officer

Hj’s agency self-promo rant got me thinking. (He was referencing Danny’s take on agencies getting their own word out.) Just who would work at an Acme Marketing and what would their title be anyway.


HighJive said...

if you do a google search, you'll see there actually are shops named acme advertising and acme marketing. not sure if wile e. coyote is associated with any of them, although he's clearly used them as vendors.

Joker said...

Their job titles would probably go a something like this:

Head honchus maximus - President

Douchebaggyous ineptus - VP of Client Service

Wastus of spacetus - AE

Egus Out of Controlus - Art Director

Alcoholicus Not so Anonymous - Media buyer

Psychopathus on Crackus - Traffic Coordinator

Afraidum of the Sunnicus - Production manager