1) The Beatles arrive in America.
2) First lung transplant takes place.
3) World’s Fair in NYC.
4) Elizabeth Taylor marries again, for the first time.
5) Gilligan’s Island premieres.
6) Anchorage, Alaska hit by massive earthquake.
7) Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin resolution allowing President Johnson to fight them over there before we have to fight them here.
8) Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud, conspiracy and jury tampering.
9) Cole Porter passes away.
10) Leonid Brezhnev replaces Soviet leader Khrushchev, ensuring the reign of ‘evs’ for the forseeable future.
Thanks for this trip down memory lane, Bill. But wait! There's more! A stamp cost a nickel, the movie My Fair Lady came out and my family got its first color TV.
Love how they almost forgot the "L" in their Beatles banner. Stupid 60's people.
If I was a Beatle, I'd be all, "The girl, second from left, with the camera. Bring her to me for sex."
If you were a Beatle you needn't say that, just get some opium, paste it on your favorite testicle and the rest is history.
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