Is there a better line in the history of copywriting? Or longer url: eatallyouwantandstillloseweight.com doesn’t think so. Why, AKÄVAR-20/50 is not only an Ikea bookcase, it’s a revolutionary weight loss formula! It may even be Space Age. Yeah, okaaaay. Maybe they should change that url to sync up with reality a little more: guyseatallyouwantandnevermeetanyonelikeherunlessyouhaveatonofmoney.com
It's the photo of the girl that always haunts me. WHERE IS HER ARM?
Maybe if we could solve that mystery, we'd begin to understand how this stuff works.
That’s part of the diet. You don’t think you drop 30 lbs just around the middle, do you? Oh no. An arm’s comin off one way or the other.
Is that Minnie Driver?
No, Minnie Driver can't even get breasts photoshopped on her. The best part of these products are the before and after shots, the guy holding his size 72 pants and now weighing 400 pounds less and of course, the wash board abs than come from drinking a magic speed pill that will probably tear a hole into your kidneys, liver and stomach.
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