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Friday, January 11, 2008

It’s post less Friday.


Okay, then I didn’t post anything to make up for the War and Peace novel from yesterday.


Okay then all I can say is life took over today as I had to do the funeral thing.

More posts on the way.


Anonymous said...

Make The Logo Bigger, can you make the typeface bigger?
I have enjoyed dropping in here on occasion, and will again but I would request the type be made bigger. I am even willing to live with sans-serif, but...with some on-line stuff, I have cut and pasted material and then changed it to courier or some other readable type face for lengthy articles/posts.
Best regards in any case...

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by Tom. Appreciate the visits which add valuable credibility to my little piece of the blogosphere.

As for type size, I shall consider it. Until that upgrade though, you could enlarge the text size in the browser with a 'command" + "+" keyboard trick for the Mac, (or "contol" + "+" on a PC if I recall.)

Anonymous said...

Much obliged. I always skipped the tutorials back in the days of the Commdore 64 and thus don't know all the options that exist on today's computers.
It's almost like if, in the 19th Century, I sent a letter to Scribner's saying that I would probably like Moby Dick but the book I got, the pages were stuck together; and the editor writes back to me, "Dummy get one of those new fangled scissors and cut the pages the way everyone else does in America."
I once ran a contest to have art directors--or anyone else for that matter--design Mouse Type. But that was a long time ago.