You’re home during the day, watching the usual lineup of Judge JudyFrankMarySteve, when this
next piece of cinemagic comes on for Optimum Triple Play. Next to a Lee Greenwood song, commercials don’t get much better than this. Hip-hop pirates, colorful sea monsters, synchronized mermaids. Good thing stereotypes aren’t perpetuated here, because you know Hispanics just love obnoxious colors and fly girl dance routines. Guess they couldn’t work a pinata in with cell phones bursting out.
In case you thought this was a one-off nightmare, there’s more. Because when you have Optimum Voice World Call, your cell doesn’t just ring when someone calls, it blings.
(Thanks to Carmen as I never would have thought to search using reggaeton. Check out the discussion there on more of the race issues at work here.)
Update: Agency on the spot is globalworks.
Tags: Optimum Triple Play, reggaeton
Christ, I just threw-up in mi boca.
I guess they couldn't get a low-rider on the beach, either. Sad thing is, this could be a hit.
Being Hispanic, people always seem to be flabbergasted that I not only write English rather well but that I don't like Reggaeton or Rancheras? Now that's just amazing. Truth be told, I saw these ads and had my jaw open from how supremely cheesy this AD is. I wasn't ultra offended by the racist stereotypes that might be lingering in the visuals because trust me, if you visit the islands and some places in South America, the bombardment of reggaeton and the subsequent bullshit is astonishing and it's not the worse thing I've ever seen. Do I like it? No. Do I think there are stereotypes exploiting bullshit Hispanic symbols? Very much so. BUt since I'm used to ignorant advertising I could very well say I'm numbed in regard to the stereotypes but I'm dumbfounded regarding the lame ass commercial. In their defense, you'll probably hear people singing off the number around there and if they're smart, they'll make it a ringtone for tacky people.
En torno a la publicidad en general, sólo me pongo a pensar cuando carajo van a hablar a gente hispana en vez de a un estereotipo.
IN regards to advertising in general, I merely ask myself when the hell people will truly talk to Hispanics instead of Hispanic stereotypes. Oh well.
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