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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

8 notes, 21 songs.

A few songs I’ve come across these past months or heard on the radio, but only recently got around to sorting through. Song names lovingly and painstakingly handwritten with one hand on the wheel and the other writing at angles a shuttle pilot would envy, all on the backs of bank statements, Post-its and various envelopes. Try and enjoy. Some mellow, some not:


Irene Done said...

Since we're talking about songs, can I ask a sorta related question? Why is it every time I see those spots, I spend the next 4-5 hours hearing "Cats in the Cradle" in my head? Specifically the lyric "he was talking before I knew it." Never fails. Something about that jingle triggers that song. And because I loathe "Cats in the Cradle," it's driving me a little crazy.

Anonymous said...

Sigur Ros! I keep seeing them everywhere since I lost the dang CD.