advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Old Navy does the film content thing—sorta?

Aka, online music videos and films promoting new musical talent and not the brand is the new...

The Old Navy site connects graphically with the previous spots like Sweater, and features yet another flavor of the hour YouSpaceBook artist named Lights in brand tactic of the hour: the Filmmercial™. Gotta say though, she does pout and pose as well as anyone out there. Still, quoting a singer’s MySpace traffic as a way to draw attention? Seems unneccesary, no? Especially when the hip youth of tomorrow already know who she is. This makes me look forward even more to Todd’s Gapover. Oh, wait, guess Todd’s not ready. So they’re doing this for now.


1 comment:

Ben Kunz said...

Nice dissection. I'm still focused on the pout. Can you feel Old Navy getting cool again? Can you see designers steering toward the strip mall?

Seriously, I love how web video formats are slowly getting bigger -- in screen pixels -- on the web. We're almost to the point where we can download 30-minute full screen video segments in real time.

What should we call it? How about ... TV?