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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another disclaimer that doesn’t suck.

It does, actually, but for a different reason. First though, it doesn’t happen often, but like a rare albino (insert creature of choice), I came across another legal disclaimer that I not only could stand, but actually laughed at. Did a group of copywriters tie up CBS legal and force them to make corrections? (Link is here, then scroll down to end of article.)
Now you're in the public comment zone. What follows is not CBS News stuff; it comes from other people and we don't vouch for it. A reminder: By using this Web site you agree to accept our Terms of Service. Click here to read the Rules of Engagement.
Those subsequent Rules of Engagement are even better, actually breaking down into language any anon freak can understand, just what the house rules are.

And here’s why they suck though. You can’t control conversation by telling people what they can and cannot say. I don’t mean death threats or anything advocating a crime of course. That doesn’t fly. But the limits that major media outlets like CBS put on forums or blogs are pointless. Lighten up, relax. I promise if someone calls me an asshole, I won’t sue you.

Here’s another litmus test: apply those same rules to someone you’d have a face to face conversation with and see if it passes muster. It wouldn’t, because the conversation would be over in two seconds as you’re laughed out of the room.

But hey, at least you guys got me to read the legal copy.



RFB said...

It is refreshing to see less than legalese in those, but very rare. Nice find.

Joker said...

Totally agree, legal jargon pisses me off because I can just imagine some freshly graduated douche bag copying whatever master white powdered wig says even if to the layman or any person with a pretty decent IQ has NO IDEA what it says.

As for the rules per-se, when have national media conglomerates not over limited communication. Hell not limiting the publics' voice is downright un-American to the FCC.

And not comparing anyone to hitler ok, but Pol-Pot???? COME ONNNNN.