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Friday, June 13, 2008

A temporary fix for Twitter.

When I first started using Twitter, I thought it was pretty decent, considering it came equipped with the typical Web 2.0/social media baggage: Another cute naming convention, a newer way of doing things you already did better somewhere else, limited text edit capabilities, and no frills, aka, “Let’s just put it out there and let third-party developers add to the fun with shit like twhirl or Snitter. (See, those names again.) That’s great in theory—but only if your core product works without a hitch.

Recently however, people have complained about the hitches (rightfully) because well, they’ve been happening more frequently. This actually bothers me less than L.C.S.* Now I suppose I won’t give up on Twitter unless it really gets out of control, but I thought of a possible short-term workaround next time it says it’s down for maintenance:

Create an alternate username on iChat (or whatever IM client you use) and just add your Twitter name to it. So, duh, I would be twitter_mtlb. As Alan at Tangerine Toad correctly points out though, not everyone would be able to see your updates in iChat. That’s fine. A few of us would know where to go to login, then hang out and bitch for a little while as the Twitter roadies fix the problem with the mic. Maybe others would join. Think of the fun you could have with more than 140 characters. (Or, if you prefer another social media reference of a different sort, it would be kind of like the few stragglers meeting up at Dunkin’ Donuts after their 12-step lets out.)

And that’s all a real movement of change needs—a few highly motivated people sitting around complaining and smoking. Revolutions have been started with less.

Let’s DO this!**

*Lost Comment Syndrome. When you type a comment, hit ‘update’ and then all you’re left with is just a blank window where words were supposed to be.

**My new catch phrase, which I’ve decided, everyone needs at least one. In this case, I follow the phrase with a gunfighter’s two-handed stance aimed at whoever I’m talking to, followed by the requisite finger blow of each ‘gun.’ (Naming of fingers optional, although I know someone who had the idea to use female names from Johnny Cash songs, just as long as one of them is always ‘Sue.’)


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