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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Overheard internet.

Cool, honest or stupid—you decide.

“Breitbarts last 3 stories have to do with sick evil democrats. This is no surprise that selfish liberals are the problem in American society. Expect more of this if obama is elected.” – if

“im totally trying that and then suing that chick.” – gunsunderthecounter

The proper way to form a sentence, dear anon, is not to add a question mark to a normal sentence. So - *Do* you call yourself a writer? would be correct. I don't normally do this, but when you start correcting other people, you're on my hit list.” – rob

Internet: It doesn't make you stupid, it just makes your stupidity more accessible to others– Doug Meacham

How to use social media: Play Scrabulous when bored at work. Otherwise, hope it all goes away. – ben

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