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advertising and other stuff. no, really.
Please, don’t let this happen to you. We were young. What did we know. We had Garamond Condensed, a ton of product specs—and a dream. Those who don’t learn from the typographic equivalent of a bad haircut are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.
hey found your blog, when checking you out on twitter.
i'm not a graphic design guy so i didn't really get the drift of your post--but it seemed like having 6 columns on the bottom of that ad, didn't achieve what you were looking for--
I liked the pack of Bazooka gum cocked into the upper right corner to make it seem like it really was a kid's room, not the nerdorium it was destined to become.
25 years later, that kid still lives in that very same room.
And yes, Matt, your surmise is correct. Far too much copy.
Aw, he's got cookies and milk!
Back before you could just point to a url...
"Be sure to list all of the specs. And give them a phone number to call. And an address, to send us a letter."
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