advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Who needs more fear? I do, I do!

Yeah, more political stuff, but this one may be better than ‘3 AM’ in the fear department. I was looking at the two sites of both candidates just to see if they’ve changed things much. Obama always seems to be in beta like that and adapting to his opponent. Kinda like Charlie in a way. Anyway, I noticed one thing, actually, a few things.

First, Obama does a good job of having his posters or signs available as downloads. (Perfect for those amazing house parties—host one tonight!) McCain though doesn’t. Like Obama, you can catch any of his TV ads, but if you want to host a No Terrorist Left Behind block party, get out the foamcore and Sharpie because you’re out of luck.

Secondly, both Obama and McCain need more coalition members, damn. Is there anybody they still don’t appeal to?

Lastly, John has a few new clips up with the fear theme front and center, which I thought he said he was done with. Hey, when you’re on a roll, let it ride! Check it out though and see if you’re not still just as afraid to answer the phone at 3 am as a I am—it just may be Hamas. (Also notice the multiple still layers animating over time trick. Yawn. To see that effect before commercials ruined it, check out Riding Giants and parts of American Splendor.)


Anonymous said...

a) WHAT are they going to do with the 6 million dollar set left behind in ivesco?
b) if you saw c-span's quadrennial rerun of the 1960 conventions, why did nixon ever agree to debate kennedy...the republicans also thoughtfully gave speech time to herbert hoover, there being no natural disasters available to send him to....(weak joke all hoover fans know, the humanitarian work he did in the 1920s saved many lives..)
c) is biden the only one to have been wrong on both wars with to the 1991 war....ys to the recent one...
Fear is not going to play out big in this campaign nor are commmercials...but debates (all four)could be as significant as in 1960

phillybikeboy said...
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phillybikeboy said...

Funny you mention _Riding Giants_. I just watched it again on Fuel TV last night. Great movie. Ironically, the night before, Fuel ran _The Man Who Souled the World_, about how Steve Rocco and World Industries shattered the market dominance of Powell-Peralta. It's a lesson in marketing and branding that makes WK look amateurish.

Ben Kunz said...

I notice McCain doesn't allow others to grab video code and embed elsewhere. Seems a big missed opportunity to let any of his ideas go viral... old-school control issues in media don't work online, sir.

Anonymous said...

@buk-Fear doesn’t have to play out in a big way because all Ohio needs is a little tweaking in that department come November.

@pbb-I’m gonna check that out, thnx.

@bk-That’s why I count on the kindness of YouTube strangers.