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Thursday, December 4, 2008

I <3 Kristy.

It’ll happen, and when it does, it will be the single biggest development on the internet.

I don’t mean another STUPID animated puppy with motivational poem forwarded from your aunt while Cc’ing half the world.

Nor am I talking about a Lolcats sequel.

No, this one will insidiously destroy any sanity you have left, not to mention your faith in people.

Now, it’ll only work for women—girls really—and only for those with an ‘i’ in their name.

I’m talking about a keyboard shortcut for the heart over the ‘i’ made famous by waitresses everywhere. You know the ones: Lobbying hard for that extra tip, capped off with a heartfelt multiple exclamation point THANK YOU!!!!!!

Once this is invented, there’s no stopping it. You will see that damn heart everywhere.

So before it does, I just want you to know what Kristy’s life looks like now, before the madness takes hold.




RFB said...

I forgot what sad thing I was going to say - have you noticed how blogger is making word verifications easier by making them all sound like a new app? This one is "Sciono".

Ten bucks says is open.



SCIONO.COM is available!

You owe me ten bucks.

Anonymous said...

Is that ‘’ with a <3 over the ‘i’? Or just the regular one. Probably just the regular one. Otherwise, the domain would be .heart.