advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I. Hate. YouTube.

Yeah, I know. Hate. Love. Hate. Make up my mind. Love the Shatner/Nimoy/Busey finds. Hate the 1:1 ratio of commercial to video. For every minute of Super Hi-Def™ Low-Fi Kwality video now, I get a minute of commercials ahead of time, or an ad running across the bottom. (It doesn’t occur on embedded clips like I have here, you have to click through to YouTube and experience the joy there.) While it may be unrealistic to expect some form of advertising on copyrighted material or even a ghosted logo, it’s worse than TV. Apparently this is the big ad solution of the future. Sweet! Oh well, guess I’ll have to stick to the ad-free stuff.

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