advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Friday, December 19, 2008

What else, oh yeah...


There’s a new another browser in town called Blackbird. Actually, it’s only for PCs and it’s only for the African American community according to the release notes. Okaaaaaay. And it would know your race because of...? The patented Super Secret Race Detection Widget it plants on your hard drive? Who knows, but it claims to be a better way to search and experience the internet if you’ve found the all-whiteness of IE or Firefox too restricting. (Does anyone even use IE anymore? Oh yeah, right, forgot. PC freaks.) Forget the snark, I’m guessing the Blackbird people suspect that Google is not doing all it can to help African Americans when it comes to search results, and wants to change things in addition to offering other services. Least that’s what I’m inferring from their site. Check it out and download it here.

I get a lot of releases. In short, the stupid stupidity of some of the stupid ones is really stupid. Like this one: “Jewelry Exchange's New Marketing Manager to Promote Diamonds.” I. Would. Hope. So. What the hell have they been doing if they haven’t been focused on selling diamonds? Perfect set-up title notwithstanding, I’m also shaking my head at what the duties of the marketing manager will be online: “...responsible for CPC, banner and email campaigns” and “innovative creative.” So what you say. It’s just when I hear innovative creative, click-through rates are the last thing that comes to mind. Sexy!

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