*yawn* Aren’t we past this shit yet? Apparently not. So read through all the love from World Net Daily minions if you want, but credit here though to Hasbro for not caving in and reacting to the panic. Imagine that. They actually did nothing.
But, this got me thinking, if Life can change it up for the net, what about other classics? Maybe for the online version of Monopoly the banker dude can’t take it anymore and jumps from his penthouse down on Park Avenue. Wait, he’d never do that. He’d go to jail, then get a book deal. But I’m sure you can think of other scenarios for classic games...
A gay version of Chutes and Ladders would be too obvious. How about a Dyslexic Scrabble? Trplie Wore Scord! A mash-up of Operation and Hungry, Hungry Hippos, with gastric bypass as an option? Or a George Bush version of Battleship, where you ignore your opponent and attack other board games that have nothing to do with you?
I could go on all night. Try the veal....
Make a new Mr. Potato Head.
Mr. Pot Head.
Way overdue.
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