advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Won’t you take me to creepy town?

I love the idea of integrating a Sims-like look to a town interface and zooming in on real people, but the one thing that kills it for me in the Comcast site and commercials: Why do the people look and sound like zombies? Lose the dark make-up, shoot them in brighter light and tell them to cheer the hell up. (You have to enter and check out the vids through several levels because as usual, another site’s Flashturbatiuon doesn’t allow direct links to the spots, nor are any of them posted on YouTube. Unreal that this still goes on with microsites. For a brand about movies and internet connectivity, way to make it easy Comcast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(And now, the world's longest but still not grammatically incorrect run-on sentence) Not that I'm helping your post any by offering groundbreaking news, but I saw this commercial last night and it occurred to me that the lazy effin' agency ripped off the whole raspy-voiced singer who sings-like-she's-talking song idea/tone/rhythm concept from Juno, where the technique was used to great effect via several Kimya Dawson's songs, all of which are of the laugh-while-singing-to-make-it-sound-like-we're-friends-goofing-around variety; frankly it's insulting, not because it's a blatant cultural ripoff, but because Ellen Page makes me go all stupid and half-chub like.