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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bridezillas—you can’t look away!

Yes, you can. If you haven’t caught it yet, Bridezillas gives the egos in it more of what they’ve had all their lives–an even larger audience for their bullshit antics. Nobody’s ever said no to them, least of all Bravo’s producers. I’m guessing while they may play it up slightly for the cameras, they don’t look like the kind who need stirring up between scenes like guests on Springer did. Besides, who’d watch if they were actually decent humans.

*doesn’t raise hand*

The only thing the show does which I like and that I haven’t seen anywhere else is run Twitter user quotes in the trailer. (It’s only on the current spot as the screen grab shows and not on any clips on their YouTube page yet.) I’ve noticed more brands running Facebook or Twitter links in their spots lately, but I like the concept of taking that further as they did here. Connecting viewers to the show with their own quotes is a spin on simply quoting another review from a TV critic.

Problem is, the quote in the TV screen grab up top is not the actual one. This is:

(See it here on Twitter as well.) Was the original that long it needed the edit? Granted, the seven words max on a billboard copywriting approach applies when you only have two seconds to view on a TV screen, but Twitter’s 140 character limit is still well-suited for this format since people are always truncating what they write.

The other quote in the spot is from bzlvr6 and says it’s the “BRIDEZILLAS is the funniest show on TV!” It’s actually the saddest, but the real problem? The user is nowhere to be found. (Liedzillas? Score!) I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt though—kinda guy I am—and say that users sometimes delete their Twitter accounts or get them suspended for all kinds of reason, but, and like most of the women on the show, it’s a big butt, a search on Twitter doesn’t even turn up an update with that quote in it attributed to that name.

Small thing to bitch about? Sure. But if you’re a major network or brand using quotes from social networking sites in the future, you might consider asking the people quote to stick around, at least during the show’s run.

As for the grooms, good luck on your life sentence fellas. Take heart though, when she and her mother decide by the end of your 2nd anniversary that you were a mistake—and they will—you’ll get early parole. Just in time to audition for Bravo’s reality show centered around divorce called “Still friends!”

Bet they’ll even have Twitter quotes from attorneys about how much they love it.

1 comment:

catsav said...

@BZlvr6 = Bridezilla Lover 6? Ya, prolly not made up.