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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Remember when newspapers made money and spelled things correctly?

Yeah, me neither. See, I’m a blogger, so I can get away with typos and bad grammar. (Least that’s what they told me in blogging school.)* The typo-filled story above is from a Canadian publication. Not that location matters, but it’s been happening all over though with increasing regularity, and not just on local sites, but on major ones like Yahoo! Excite and even the AP. Typos. Paragraphs that repeat. Poor grammar.** Yea all-intern staff! Cut and paste lives!

How bad is it when you can’t even copy and paste a pool report without screwing it up? Look closer and they even have a link to report typo—ironic and sweet.*** But c’mon, only one typo?

“...But it would be a traumatic event for parents and a young child.”

What would. Dying? OH. I get it now. The grammar! *smacks head*

I’m glad real journalists are out there standing watch on that wall, because deep down in places you don’t talk about at tweetups, we want you on that wall, we NEED YOU ON THAT WALL. Bloggers like us playing fast and loose with basic journalistic principles? Crazy!

Hey, maybe if we got paid like them there fancy newspaper columnists, we’d actually get shit right, huh.

*Plays get out of jail free card and takes blogger 5th against self-incrimination.
**Fail-safe: I’m an art director. We don’t write. Much.
***Not as ironic as the Google ad which popped up after posting this however.


Unknown said...

Easy now. Of what you noted, only one is a typo, and I would indeed chalk it up to typo. The missing "s" on "10 day" is the only one that hit me directly.

The second 'grammar' faux-pas you reference is a quote from the RCMP member in question. That's just good reportage, as the quote is direct and complete (if poor).

Anonymous said...

Granted, but the main point still holds. Far worse things are happening a lot lately.

As for the grammar, it's actually referencing that they didn’t think that one through before speaking. (But I jammed it in here anyway.)

Angela Natividad said...

Agreed about seeing typos on Yahoo and AP. It's the fast and loose internet, man; proofread and you're late.

*vomits up most recent snack*